Monday, July 28, 2014

#IJSRD What is SAP Testing?

The SAP (System Applications Products) testing is same as software application manual testing but here the applications are the SAP R/3 (it is an ERP system) and Enterprise portal. So, whenever you get a change in R/3 and Portal, you need to come up with test cases for the new functionality and test the changes in the application. The SAP tester needs common testing mind with SAP tools knowledge like HR, SD and CRM etc will help in understanding the system and testing the applications.
go to all the links which are shown below..

Friday, July 25, 2014

#IJSRD These Augmented Reality Contact Lenses Might Destroy Google Glass 

IJSRD is a leading e-journal, under which we are encouraging and exploring newer ideas of current trends in Engineering and Science by publishing papers containing pure knowledge. The Journal is started with noble effort to help the researchers in their work and also to share knowledge and research ideas. All research interested scholars are given best opportunity to make world aware of their work. With precise and analytical narration of knowledge by our reviewers, our journal is providing implemental economy and latest global transposition to research. This monthly journal is mainly started to help researching peers belongs to Undergraduate, Postgraduate and Research students.We publish original and high quality papers. We aim to cover the latest outstanding development in the fields of Engineering and Technologies. All the published papers are submitted to the major indexing services for indexing.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

#ijsrd ZigBee Based Weather Station Monitoring System | ijsrd journal |

Abstract---Many significant weather events have affected our life over the years. Today, the temperature, wind and other weather parameters are of equal concern and can have an even greater impact on our high-tech life style. Weather affects a wide range of man’s activities. This can cause the movement of gases through the atmosphere. Also, in an industry during certain mishap it is very difficult to monitor the parameters through wires and analog devices. So to overcome this problem we can use wireless device to monitor the parameters. By monitoring this parameters we can take certain steps in worst cases. In this weather station monitoring systems, different parameters like temperature, light, humidity, wind direction and speed, gas level are all sensed using sensors.

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Thursday, May 22, 2014

New 3-D Printer Makes Soft Interactive Objects #ijsrd

A new type of 3-D printer can turn yarn into soft, cuddly objects. 3-D printingtypically uses metals and plastics, although researchers are also using them to make food stuff, tissue, and body parts. Researchers at Carnegie Mellon University who designed the new printer say they wanted to extend 3-D printing to a new class of materials for making objects that people would interact with.
The device is a kind of printer-sewing machine hybrid. It takes designs from a computer and converts them into 3-D objects using a loose felt material. The resulting objects are similar to hand-knitted versions, said CMU computer science professor Scott Hudson in a press release. Hudson developed the new printer with Disney Research support, and presented it at the ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.
Most common low-end 3-D printers are based on Fused Deposition Modeling, a process in which melted plastic is extruded to create objects layer by layer. The felting printer works in a similar fashion, but emits yarn instead of melted plastic. A barbed felting needle at the printer head repeatedly pierces the yarn, entangling new fibers into the yarn layers below and bonding the layers together.

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